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This page is so cool! And great font :3


Thank you!


This font is really good, I loved using it in my game Production for a game jam.

Thank you so much

Awesome, I'm glad you like it!


this font is doooooooooope

Thank you so much!


This font is really awesome! I’m using it in my game Tiny Climber.

Oh cool, glad you like it!


I used your wonderful font in my gamejam entry. I'm really happy with it!

Nice! Loved the look of your game, I think the font really fits!


This is the best font I've seen to capture that early 90s PC game look.

Thank you! 


:o that font looks sick !


Glad you like it!


awesome font!



Adorei essa fonte! Bem legível e super bonitinha.

Agradeço por disponibiliza-la :3

Que bom que gostou!


Great font and great description!

Thank you :D 


Tiny and legible. What’s not to like?


Great font, great support!

Thank you!


Our twins (who just started school this September) and I are building an UI for a very small screen, and we were looking for a nice font to go with it. Something they find fun, and can read.

This will be that font. Thank you, for creating something so delightful!


Ooh, that sounds like an awesome project! I'm glad my font could help!


This looks dope!


oh this looks nice, I'll definitely use it in something!


Very cool font. I like it.


This is a great font! Very legible and aesthetically appealing, not an easy accomplishment, especially for a pixel font of this resolution!


A very cute little font! I highly recommend it! <3


The ideal monospace pixel font; reduced to the smallest possible dimensions before risking legibility. A perfect font.


Gorgeous font! Crisp and clean, great to have the extended character set too. Italics are lovely as well :)


Hello! I used your font in my recent project: 

Thank you so much! The font looks so good!

Yo. I used your font in my game. Thank you very much!

hey i just want to say that i have used your font in my game

feel free to check it out !


Best font out there. I used it in two of my recent games and I love it. Thanks for your work :)

Here is the latest one if you wanna check it out


Super awesome font! Thank you for freely sharing it with the community! ^^
I was led here today due to my following VisuStella.


I'm glad you like it!

I'm not familiar with VisuStella. Did they use/recommend this font?

(1 edit) (+1)

Love this font. I’ve used it in quite a few of my games now, and it’s basically my go-to for anything low-rez that’s also readable. It’s so clean but still stylish, great job!

This is amazing! But what's the difference is between the normal and extended versions?

The base font is a minimal version with just basic latin characters and punctuation. The extended has support for many more languages, with additional diacritics and symbols.

Hola buenas, me gusto mucho tu trabajo, una consulta yo estoy usando tu font, pero en GDeveloper, y el problema es que se ve borrozas, y oviamente estuve buscando y una persona creo uno para bitmap con tu font pero no es extendida, tu podrias agregar (crear)

Muchas gracias!


Awesome,I recently used in my tutorial<3!


This is absolutely splendid, I'm especially excited about the italicized fontset. It is just simply gorgeous! 

This font looks great, but I'm really curious how you produced monogram-bitmap.png? monogram-bitmap.png is perfect at 6x12, but taking monogram.ttf file and trying to reproduce the results in monogram-bitmap.png at that kind of size/resolution produces a big mess for me. I tried rendering it with SDL2, in Aseprite, a whole bunch of random "bitmap font creation" tools like BitMap Font Builder. Rendering the TrueType at a small size always produced nonsense. Is there a trick that you used to produce the perfect 6x12 bitmap yourself, and if so is there any chance you could share that trick?

(2 edits)

Hey there. Not sure what you mean, but just typing into Aseprite's text tool with font size 16 works on my end.

Here's a quick screen recording I just took:

Ah thank you! I think the thing I was missing was using size 16 or a multiple of 16. At that size the glyphs come out at 6x12 pixels and all the lines are perfect.


oooooh, fancy :3

lovely font! any chance of a .otb version? i’m interested in using Monogram as the default UI font on a Linux machine, and while that’s technically possible with the .ttf version it’s much easier to avoid scaling shenanigans with a proper bitmap format. (I’m currently using Cozette which provides a .otb but lacks italic support.)

Thank you! I can certainly give it a try, but I have never exported fonts as .otb before. 

I got a pretty packed week ahead, so it's unlikely I'll have much time to look into it right away. But I'll let you know if it works out!


Awesome font! I used it in my last game for the whole dialogue part and it was a blast!

The game is a Scrabble-like game set in space and this font is perfect


Amazing font.Thank you :) I used it in my silly game for a game jam. 

If you want to check it out


Someone showed me this font recently and my first thought was that it would look nice in Minecraft, so I made a resource pack and uploaded it to Modrinth if anyone else thought the same: Monogram Font for Minecraft

Ooh awesome, thanks for letting me know!


10/10 font, thank you for making it! just used it for my little adventure game: A Next Level Adventure

(2 edits) (+1)

My favorite font. I often use it in my games. And in the last game I left a link to the font (About -> Assets): ELEVATION


Nice font!

Thanks! Glad you like it!


Thanks a lot for the font!

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